If you encounter any issues, problems, or have feedback regarding the campaign, please email us directly at. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


What is the difference between a normal account and a store/group account?

With a regular account, users can submit individual battle reports against a hex. However, with store/group accounts, they have the option to submit bulk battle reports, indicating the number of wins or draws against a hex. The bulk battle report option will be available on the Report Battle page.

How do I get a store/group account to bulk enter results from events?

If you have a trade account, please sign up with your registered trade account email address. Then apply for your account to be upgraded. If you have any questions or issues please email us at

I've submitted my report but cannot see the results in the scoreboard?

There will always be a delay in the system's review and submission process. Some submissions could be flagged for manual review, leading to a delay before your results become active. You can check if your submission are in the system by viewing your account."