38 Blood Red Evenings

(in Operation Critical Hit)
Salute comrades! I am a player – Blood Red Skies. I'll start the story a little from the past. I first received the “Battle of Britain” box on August 10, 2019. It was an exchange - starter for starter from another wargame. I began to study the game, and everything related to it. I came across a group on Facebook (Ready Room) and found out about the global event "D-Day" that was taking place at that time (d-day.boltaction.com). When I plunged into it all, I realized that behind this simplicity and conciseness, there are not so few events and people, despite the not strong popularity of this game.
I was amazed by the "D-Day" event: the event website, uploading the results of battles that affect the overall picture of actions, a visual map of events, special thematic scenarios… But I couldn't participate in it, because it required a lot of specific types and brands of aircraft. And I only had a Starter Box, which clearly did not go to the middle of the 1944 events of D-Day. I followed that campaign with tears and envy, but I made a promise to myself that I would increase my "air fleet" of all participating countries in order to be ready for the next Battles!
A year has passed, and such an event has not appeared again. I was already thinking about "D-Day", that I had missed something incredible. But in July 2020, our esteemed “General of the International Legion of Desktop Air Forces” - Ken Natt, took this issue into his own hands and launched (or with someone together) a similar Campaign from the Community called "The Battle for Britain - 80 years". It was really cool. We are in our cozy Facebook group, we fought these battles to glory! Personally, I participated in it, having spent 14 fights. And after 2 years (May 15, 2022), the same respected Ken Natt issued an order to everyone that all “Air Wings Ready Room” should take part in the next “Guadalcanal - 80 Years” Event. It was also cool, but my participation was not so great (I had only 6 fights).
And suddenly, on June 29, 2023, Warlord Games publishes an article on its website about the launch of the Global Company "Operation: Critical Strike". I was doused with both cold and heat at the same time. I couldn't believe it, IT happened! Finally, the official Event for all World War II game systems (Bolt Action, Blood Red Skies, Victory at Sea) is coming! After studying the first and subsequent articles, before the start of the campaign, I built an action plan for myself: first, I have to play exactly as many games as this campaign will last. And secondly, I will participate only on the Eastern Front, since this is my native Soviet Front.
As a result, I played 37 games, the campaign lasted 37 days. I kept my statistics on the battles conducted and the planes shot down. I dare to share with you:
I was very pleased and glad to participate fully in this Event! Thank you very much to everyone who had a hand in creating this Operation and to everyone who participated in it! Please, do more of these things! It is not necessary that it was such a serious and long-lasting Event, I would suggest creating a certain schedule of key and interesting events of the Second World War at all theaters and inviting people to participate in them every year! Make them different: for some separate game in turn (Bolt Action, Blood Red Skies, Victory at Sea) or by mixing them. Weekly events, weekend events, timed holidays, well, as a "Critical Strike" and "D-Day" - long. In general, think about creating a universal website for creating Community events in which people can create Tournament Events in their cities, championships and these thematic campaigns as we had in the Ready Room.
And so I came to the point. All of the above is a prelude to the idea that all these Campaigns, Operations, Events are all incredibly exciting and magnificent! When your painted plastic/metal comes to life and recreates the battles of those times, not only on the table at your home or in the gaming club. Each of us becomes part of the armies and fleets of different nations, but we are all one even if we play different games (Bolt Action, Blood Red Skies, Victory at Sea). As a whole, we fight for our victories at the same time, in different parts of the globe, and then, drinking tea after the battles, we look at the map of the fighting, who has advanced where, and who has lost what frontiers to the opponent.
This great Event "Operation: Critical Strike" is over. Thank you all, friends! I hope we will see something like this again in the future!
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